Saturday, October 23, 2010

Goodbye New England

Wednesday, 10/20

It's time for the old gang to break up and begin our independent journeys toward home ... or so we plan.  Bill & Ginny left us yesterday for West Virginia.  This morning, the rest of of us caravan out of the park and head west and south through Rhode Island's continuing natural beauty, enter Connecticut where I have the closest "near accident" in my RV driving history. The New Haven portion of I-95 is some of the worst highway experienced, plus one lady driver (and I'm being veerrrry polite in my description!!!!) decides that I don't need the right front corner of our coach and does a quick left cutoff turn into me.  Using both braking systems, I was able to slow enough to avoid her, although at the worst moment, I could barely see her car ... she was so close to the front of us.  I hope she had to do as much laundry after that incident as I did.

All of us decide to refuel our coaches and ourselves before descending on the New York City area.  Milford, CT's Cracker Barrel Restaurants favors us with adequate parking and a familiar menu.  Then, it's back on busy I-95 where we combat ever increasing heavy traffic.  With NYC on the horizon, Doris and I change interstates, cross the Hudson River via the Tappan Zee Bridge, enter New Jersey and finally arrive in Westwood, home to Doris's brother and family.  And there they were, greeting us at the Westwood Elks parking lot, our home for a night.

Fun conversation, great dinner and active, very cute boys to entertain us, all making the separation from our foliage friends much easier.
Westwood, New Jersey provides an idyllic retreat from nearby Manhattan.