Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Buckeye State

Thursday, 9/09

We're beginning to think that gremlins are silently but effectively entering our coach.  This morning, we moved from our RV park to a shop next door to have a peek at our front slide.  Seems it needs a very slight adjustment (AKA known as "BIG $$$) so that it moves out at the proper vertical angle.  We'll wait 'til we return to our favorite mechanic, but we did have another, smaller gremlin join the dearly departed for a not so dear contribution to the local economy. 

Late leaving The Hoosier State, we joined the easterly flow of traffic into Ohio.  My God, the tolls kept mounting, right along with the miles.  Fortunately for us, raising the third axle on our coach reduced the fees by about 40%.  Still, we're poorer by $45 to make it from the west side of Chicago to Cleveland.  AND, we had to content ourselves with viewing the reason for the heretofore mumbled "... forever waves of grain" part of "America The Beautiful".  Beautiful she is, but can ya' change the words to "...corn and soybeans"??!  We're patriotic to the bone, but the truth is that's what fills the last 76 states we've traveled, and we're gettin' just a bit eye-glazed with the scenery.  Oh, and how about those grain trucks?!  Patriotic men & women certainly drive them, what with all the flags and "God Bless America" or "America, Love It Or Leave It" paint jobs, stickers, etc. on their rigs.  However, they're more numerous than RV drivers at the Walmart parking lot and they're slowing down on our escape to ANYWHERE BUT CORN & BEAN FIELD, AMERICA!

We (that is, I) am calm now because we made it to Elyria, Ohio, just short of Cleveland.  Too pooped to pop both corn AND beans, I parked at another 5-Star RV Parking/Walmart SuperCenter.  Gotta love 'em because they're friendly, convenient, level, and have "something" we absolutely must have.  Great location next to a 2-year old strip mall with only a nail salon, video game store and a DMV office.  10s of thousands square feet remain dirt floors and bare walls.  Delirious Elyria shows the suffering economy.  We felt guilty under the strong parking lot lights & heavy security cameras protecting us from the less fortunate.  Two other coaches like ours park alongside.  Surely one of them has a 50-caliber machine gun to supplement our security.  We're secure and happy after another of Doris's creative dinners and a long walk.  The Buckeye State continues to be a favorite. 

Tomorrow will solidify the affection.

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