Sunday, September 5, 2010

Glen Ellyn

Friday, 8/03

After a night of rain, a cold front has passed through and we're enjoying breezy, dry 60s temps.  A great day for a short drive to Doris's old hometown of Glen Ellyn, a western suburb of Chicago.  Since we don't tow a car, a visit to Enterprise and we have a cute little station wagon for only $9.99/day.  Can't beat that!  Parking at the Wheaton/Glen Ellyn Elks, we check out the neighborhood and find the village of Glen Ellyn, population 16,000 to be as pretty now as in 1995 when Doris moved west to Walnt Creek.  Visiting her ex-neighbor/friends Wil, Julie, Kim, and Greg made for a great "welcome back home" and an afternoon that extended late into the night, the time filled with good food, drink, stories and lotsa laughs. 

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