Monday, October 25, 2010

The First State

Thursday, 10/21

We thought California roads were bad, but the highways circumnavigating NYC, including those in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey are strong contenders for #1 in the involuntary dental filling extracting business. My God!  How our coach stayed in one piece is a credit to Monaco, the manufacturer.  Accentuating the problem is that one has to drive at 65 mph over the ruts, bumps, pot holes and occasional pieces of other vehicles in order to keep from being run over by other, highly aggressive drivers.  And it makes little difference how little or large their vehicles.  Combine bad roads and "kill or be killed" drivers and we have one stressed driver:  Me.  No wonder my sister says they avoid I-95 and the New York area when they make their snowbird trek from Vermont to Florida.  We'll do the same when possible.

As we headed south, things got better.  After refueling near Philadelphia, we crossed into Delaware and off the interstate to the capital, Dover.  What a treat!  A small city in the 49th largest state that was the first to ratify the constitution, Dover gave us more history, narrow streets to enjoy (although our coach "owned" them as we explored historic downtown) and more autumn beauty.  Having stocked up at our first Costco since leaving the west, we ultimately landed at a local Elks Lodge for an overnight.
Dover, Delaware.  One building among many that shows the history of this small, but important state.

Dover's City Hall


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