Friday, October 15, 2010

Fryeburg Fair

Friday, 10/08

This morning's sunshine brought out Tony's obsession with Vitamin D.  Or maybe he's just drying out after the rains.
Sunshine!  It was either astute tour planning on my part, or (more believably) dumb luck favoring us wandering Californians that gave us sunshine on the day we chose to cross the nearby border into Maine and partake of the Fryeburg Fair. 

On this trip, Doris & I have enjoyed the Wyoming State Fair,The Tunbridge (VT) World Fair, and now the Fryeburg (ME) Fair.  None are like the Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton because all three were in the country and filled with country style exhibits and activities for farmers and ranchers rather than the carnival atmosphere of the more suburban fairs.  This time with friends, we really enjoyed the agricultural aspect.  Blue ribbon winning work horses, oxen, sheep, goats, chickens ... you name it, we saw them all.  Especially interesting was the ox pulling contest.  No, we didn't pull the oxen.  Instead teams of ox competed in pulling heavier and heavier weights.  Maxing out at  pulling 11,700#, the team that won certainly deserved an extra dessert.
Ox pulling contest,  near standing room only audience.
If you're going to pet the goats, you better bring food!
With signs like this at the fair, we began telling everyone that we're really from Canada, not California.

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