Saturday, 10/16
I've enjoyed so much the opportunity to catch up with my tasks that I passed on the chance to travel with others to Gloucester and Rockport, both coastal towns north of Boston. Those who went had fun (and more lobster) while I swept the forest debris from our roof, managed some plumbing issues, blogged, bookkeeped, dealt with changes at the next RV park, worked on our independent travel once we part from the group, blah blah.
Tonight's dinner will be a group feeding frenzy at a local restaurant. Watch out, Larry & Lana Lobster!
Ralph, I, too, am catching up with "stuff." What better way to spend a foggy fall morning, with Richard on the golf course, awaiting the 3rd game against the Phillies (renewed Giants fan here)than to read your so-much-more-than-a-blog (I like dashes). I love, love traveling with you since the only east coast I've visited was New York City in March about 20 years ago. Your pictures and travelogue does not quell my lust for seeing the east coast at this time of year. Say, are you & Doris up for another caravan next year, or in 2 years?? Its your own fault for being such a talented reporter. Oh, by the way, the NorCal nominating committee has decided that among the 6 of you, there are at least 2 potential office holders. You decide! Hugs to all, Jackie